What is a vCISO?

What can a vCISO do?


A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) sets the strategy and aligns cybersecurity to any compliance and to business needs for larger companies.

Companies need CISOs long before they're ready to build a security team.

Smaller organizations, especially start-ups, need cybersecurity and compliance strategy long before they're ready to build a team.

If you're selling products or services to a larger company, they may ask you for an ISO 27001 certification or SOC 2 attestation before engaging you as a vendor. A vCISO can help you adhere to these compliance frameworks.

Finally, for start-ups looking to go public, a vCISO can help you document your security and compliance practices for due diligence.

A virtual, fractional or part-time CISO serves as the strategic security advisor to multiple small companies.

Much like having a law firm on retainer, having a Pocket CISO service will give you the security and compliance guidance you need to grow.


For startups and very small businesses (under ~30 employees)

Pocket CISO offers Security, IT and Knowledge/Product strategy; smaller companies benefit greatly from a generalist who lays a solid foundation for their future CSO, CIO and CTO.

For small and mid-sized businesses (~30-300 employees)

Pocket CISO helps SMBs create and manage their security programs, partnering with the IT team or MSP in tool selection, and mentoring/growing internal technology personnel in security concepts. Ideally, these organizations grow to a point where we help them hire their first CISO, who will have a solid foundation from which to launch!

For enterprise organizations (~300+ employees)

For larger organizations, especially ones with their own CISO, Pocket CISO can assist with culture development, digital transformation and knowledge strategy - reducing friction in the workplace, streamlining processes, and affecting change.

Pocket CISO can also function as an interim CISO, a starter BISO, or a temporary head of compliance.

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